Saturday, March 22, 2008

Welcome Spring??

Once again, Michigan has done its best to make spring as unwelcome as it possibly can! Yesterday, there was almost no snow to be found. Today:

But even that's better than LAST year at this time:

At any rate, I've had the opportunity to visit a couple of LYS's recently, and found some Cleckheaton Country Prints (Australian wool) on sale for $3.00 per skein at City Knitting in Grand Rapids. I picked up a few of them and turned them into this baby set:

The pattern for this can be found here. I had no problems with the pattern. The only thing I questioned is the amount of yarn recommended. It says "less than 50 grams", but I went through more than two fifty gram balls. I am a very loose knitter, so who knows? Of course, I love bright colors, so this yarn worked very well for me!

1 comment:

Tracy Batchelder said...

I love it! The colors are perfect. Hope the snow is gone soon and spring stays around for awhile.